Friday, June 25, 2010

My Story: Part 1: The Divorce

Like many today I got married way to young and for all the wrong reasons. My marriage lasted only a few short years, most of which was spent with me trying to get the divorce I so desperately wanted.

My Ex was in the military and come to find out there are alot of legal mumbo jumbo I still don't understand that makes the process of getting devorced a whole lot harder. I don't understnad how the legal system can tell someone they can't get divorced....I do understand waiting for the custody and visitation if the person in the military cannot attend court at the time, due to being overseas, or deployed....but not let a person divorce them???

It took me 1 1/2 years to finally have my divorce finalized, a process that usually takes only 6 months and to get a support order for our children.

My Ex at this time was stationed in Germany with 2 years left on his contract. Some how he got out of the military...still a mystery to this day on how he pulled that off, but he came home 6 months after I left Germany to start the devorce process.... With a bunch of jumping through hoops and dodging the system he was able to put off our divorce and delay getting a support order....

While all this was going on he didn't try and visit the kids at all

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